Liquid Glucose – AKA corn syrup or glucose syrup is obtained by the enzymatic conversion of starch at 105°C temperature. Presence of Dextrin slows the crystallization process. Other than food products, liquid glucose has pharmaceutical and other usages as well. For example, it is used in tablet coatings and vitamin based tonics. Other than that, tobacco industry uses liquid glucose to attribute flavor, texture and stability of cigarettes and chewing tobaccos; whereas the leather industry makes use of liquid glucose during the tanning process to add volume to the leather.
Chemical formula - C6H12O6
Liquid Dextrose - Dextrose is a crystalline sugar derived from starch & used as a nutritive sweetener. Liquid dextrose applications are usually added for fermentation and in the production of enzymes.
High Maltose Corn Syrup (HMCS) – This is designed to be an additive sweetener and a preservative. These contain over 50% maltose, or even over 70% maltose (extra-high-maltose syrup). Usually used as a substitute for normal glucose syrup in the production of hard candy, frozen desserts and in brewing as it has a balanced ferment ability. HMCS preserves food by restricting fermentation and bacterial growth.
Applications: Canned fruits, jams, jellies, table syrups, toppings, confections, wine
High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS) – Fructose is a sugar that is found in fruit and honey in its natural state. HFCS is a sweetener made from cornstarch that has been processed by glucose isomers to convert some of its glucose into fructose. It contains fructose as its major sugar.
Applications: carbonated beverages, ice creams, cured meats, chocolate milk, bakery products, wine, pickles, jams, jellies, fruit drinks etc